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Monday, April 23, 2012

Designer Babies

This is a baby who is chosen out of a couple different embryos to the healthiest or the one that might save a sibling. After they are born they are just like any other baby only some of them have some DNA taking from them in order to help another sibling. If I was the parent I would do it because not only would I have another kid but I would also help one of my other children. So it would be a good thing. Especially if there is a hereditary disease in your family, you can make sure that you have a somewhat healthy child. If  I was the child that was helped by the designer baby, I would feel like I could never repay them for saving my life. If I was the child I would feel important to my sibling that I helped, but I wouldn't know for sure about why my parents did it. So it would be difficult being a designer baby because it would raise a lot of questions. It would make you wonder why you are really here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Holocaust Denial

If someone tried to tell me that the Holocaust wasn't real, that it didn't happen, I would tell them if that's their opinion that's okay but they need to know that it was real, that it did happen. People spreading the rumor that it didn't happen are lying to themselves because there are so many facts that clearly show what happened. They are offensive to all of those who died during it, and they are calling the people who did get through it liars. Those people went through a lot and everything about the Holocaust explains what happened, how terrible it was for anyone who was rounded up, put in cattle cars, were either starved to death or very close to it. Who could possibly make up something so horrible? That's just my thoughts though, many other people have their own thought or feelings.